You are invited to our annual Year End Awards banquet on Sunday, January 26th! Please join us in the community room at Tennessee Equine Hospital in Thompson’s Station for food, prizes, our silent auction and lots of camaraderie! Space is limited, so giddy up.
Final volunteer hours: 2024 Volunteer Hours
Preliminary Schooling Show Champions/Reserves
(anybody qualifying as Champion/Reserve at the recognized level is no longer eligible for Schooling Show Level): 2024 YEA Schooling Shows
FINAL Schedules will be available Thursday with all corrections made!
The Championship entries are closed, a first schedule will be available Tuesday, October 22.
We still have a few more spots available for Saturday, updated YEA standing with updated volunteer hours will be published later today.
We have about 10-15 entries we can accept for Saturday, Oct 26 at the Park at Harlinsdale Farm. These entries will count as a regular CTDA schooling show and are a great opportunity for riders to earn an additional ride for YEA. Closing date will be Sat, Oct 19 midnight (or until all entries are taken).
Link to entry form here:
YEA Schooling Show rider/horse pairs with 4 or 5 rides – note that volunteer hours do not yet reflect Walnut Trace in September – should have that added in the next couple of days!!!!
2024-10-14 Year End Award Ride Counts
The last weekend to earn more volunteer hours (if you already have 5 rides) will be the championship at the Park at Harlinsdale Farm – Signup here!
If you need one more ride to be eligible, please note that the Championship weekend rides will not count towards YEA, so the last opportunity will be at Jenni Hogan’s show in Chapel Hill this coming weekend Oct 19 – and you must email ASAP if she is accepting any late entries.
Championships will be held at the Park at Harlinsdale Farm October 26-27.
Here is the most updated list of qualified pairs: 2024 CTDA Championship Eligible as of Oct 11
And here is the link to the entry form: CTDA Championship Show Electronic Entry
Championship is opening today.
Please remember we have limited stalls, so unfortunately no day or tack stalls available.
Awards will be held at lunch for am Championship rides and at the end of the show for pm Championship rides.
This year we only offer 1 test ride per Championship entry on Saturday as we are expecting a larger number of entries and might even need to run some championship classes on Saturday.
Entry form here: