Year End Award Winners

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Congratulations to the Year End Award Winners!!!

Be sure to attend the party on January 26 to receive your award and applause!!!

Hit the Read more link below for the complete listing!


Tennessee Walking Horse

AA: Amber Porter on Miss Margaritaville

Open:  Scot MacGregor on All Around Midnight


Intro JR: Katie MacFarlane on Unanimous Blue

Intro AA: Anna Whitworth on Shining Royal Bliss

Basic Open: Jenni Hogan on King’s Booger Red

First AA: Rebecca Jones on I’m Into Chics

Traditional (English) dressage:

Greenie Weenie:

U12: Bridgette Stevens on Coconut


U12: Champion Olivia Pottmeyer on Delilah

Reserve Olivia Pottmeyer on Ranger

AA: Champion Shelly Fugitt on Vicki Vale

Reserve Julia Lankes on Cowboy

Open: Brandie Heidenway on Don Casadoro


U12: Olivia Pottmeyer on Ranger

AA: Julia Lankes on Cowboy

First Level:

AA: Cathy Holmes on Khloe

Second level:

Open: Jenni Hogan on Micky

Third Level:

Open: Jenni Hogan on Florianos



U12: Emme Blandford on Cindy Lu Who

JR: Meghan Miller on Rien Ne Va Plus

AA: Champion Jana Henry on Velando

Reserve Kari Hice on Creme de la Crime

Open: Jen Thompson on Fetching

First Level:

AA: Letha Calvin on Look Cody Look

Second Level:

AA: Champion Laura Wayman on Dramiro

       Reserve Bethany Gallagher on Bebop GCF

Third Level:

JR: Grace Gregory of Latatiana

AA: Linda Holste on Tvorup’s Gambler

Prix St Georges:

AA: Nan Allen on Nezma Rose

Open: Champion Garra Walline on Wespe

Reserve Jenni Hogan on Winnelou

Intermediare 1:

AA: Nan Allen on Nezma Rose

Open: Jen Thompson on Robinson 286

70% CLUB:

Olivia Pottmeyer

Jenni Hogan

Shelley Fugitt

Julia Lankes

Jennifer Marr

Laura Wayman

Jen Thompson

Tara Stamps

Katharina Nowotny-Boles

Kari Hice

Rebecca Jones

Jana Henry

Bridgette Stevens

Linda Holste

Meghan Miller

80% CLUB:

Jana Henry