- Priority access and discounts for all CTDA sponsored events
- USDF recognized Dressage Shows (Tennessean Express, Tennessean, Ole South Prelude, Ole South)
- CTDA dressage schooling shows at different venues in Middle Tennessee
- CTDA sponsored mounted and unmounted clinics & educational programs
- First priority to participate at “L” Program sessions
- Eligibility for the CTDA Dressage Education Scholarship Fund
- Group member status in the United States Dressage Federation (USDF)
- Eligibility to participate in USDF rider award programs
- Eligibility to earn USDF University Program credit
- Member-discount rates at USDF events
- Receive USDF Connection, the official USDF magazine
- CTDA newsletter and website with up-to-date information on events in the area
- Eligible for Year End Awards & CTDA Scholarships
- Reduced rates for advertising on the website and newsletter
- Be eligible to vote and serve on the CTDA Board
- Opportunity to spend time with fun and exciting people who share your love for horses!